Sunday, January 12, 2014

liquid diet

So i am on day two of the mandated liquid diet. So far so good, if you have to do one of these sugar free gum is your friend and lots of water. Today was also day one of a certain shake i have to drink once a day and the start of my vitamins which includes a chewable which i am not liking but you gotta do what you gotta do. I think its easier when your prepared to do this and know its only temporary.  You also need to find stuff to keep you busy and distracted, I am so excited to see what the future holds i go tomorrow for the pre-op class and the pre admission testing at the hospital all that will take all day. Then the following week i have another class thing and appointment with the doc then on the 27th the big day happens. I admitting feel like im running out of stuff to talk about but once the big day happens im sure that will pick up again.

Well happy life changing everyone.

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