Friday, March 27, 2015

Feeling your feelings

Ok everyone i know its been along long time since i have written a blog i am sorry about that but lets face it facebook is easier but i cant write in such detail there.  So alittle about my life this far for those that are new or forgot since its been so long lol. I am now 34 single mom of 4 not by choice which we will talk about in a minute who has been on one hell of a weight loss journey. I have lost 195lbs in 18 months both threw diet and exercise and gastric bypass. And boy has it been quiet a journey. I am currently working the last 30lbs off and trying to get skin removal surgery.  So something i wanted to talk to you about today is not turning to food when life gets hard.  For most of us learning how to not do this is very difficult. I started with a few things like talking to myself about why im hungry. I say a few things like how long has it been since you ate? would plan broccoli fill you up? how about chicken? If its been less then 3 hours or the answer to the next two questions isn't no then i know it isn't real hunger. Then you have to deal with the feelings of life without the food. So currently i am battling loneliness, trying to find out where i go next in life,parenting alone, dealing with a child with special needs and requires way more patience's then god gave me and learning how to even begin to date. all of these things make me want to turn towards food. I will tell you tho now that i don't generally eat white carbs, or sweets the craving to turn towards food has lessened. So what do i do i have little pity parties for myself, message my best friend so she can comfort me and then smack me back to reality, and i troll the net for interesting things to read or see.  If you google this you will find lists of ideas of what to do instead of eat something i have done in the past is get absorbed into pinterest and allowed myself to dream about what i want my life to look like. So i want to know what you think you can do to turn away from food and into yourself and learn what your made of besides the weight you desperately want to lose.

Also i have started a go fund me page to help with the skin removal process, i will be journaling threw blog and videos that journey once i get there.

My fan page on facebook that i update almost daily i hope to see you there

Also if you would like to email me that is

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