Friday, January 31, 2014

surgery this far

OK those were the video blogs i posted on my fb community page the day of surgery and the following day. I wanted to talk to everyone about how im feeling now. So its all done and my emotions are a little all over the place. The reason i am blogging about this is because i was pretty sure i would have total control over the emotional part of it and i don't totally and that actually is pretty normal. They warn you about all of that ahead of time but there is a part of you that is totally, thats not gonna be me i got this. Then it happens and yes i have control of it but i am still feeling things im not sure i expected to feel. Now first of all i have almost no pain, im not sure how normal that is but for me no pain, i have discomfort at times and spots that are tender but no pain. I think for me that has actually messed with my head more cause i am not at all physically feeling the way i expected to. So for me im waiting for something to happen but praying it doesn't. I have also been able to get in all my vitamins and liquids in which i didn't expect either not so soon anyway. Right now i am feeling like an extreme text book perfect case and im praying it stays that way but know there could still be complications. Now for the emotional part I am feeling vulnerable which i think we all know fat people try to avoid thats why we get fat and stay that way. I am going with the flow and know this will pass and i can deal but i want you all to know how im feeling so if your going threw this too or going to go threw this you know its normal. 
Now for my consumption i am having 4 premade protein shakes a day and then however much water i can get in. I can not however have water first thing in the morning it doesn't go down well. O just to prewarn anyone it is normal to gain weight after surgery so if this happens to you don't freak out it goes away i promise i was up five pounds when i got home from surgery and the next day i was back to where i was the morning of surgery so don't freak out if this happens to you.

So thats about it for my life change this far. As always feel free to ask questions, share my page, or make comments.
Happy life changing everyone

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow days

So being snowed in is not helping the diet at all. When we get snowed in its usually a smorgasbord of food. Soup gets made big sandwiches to go with the soup. Nice warm food to fill the belly and warm a person up. Here i sit hungry longing for normalcy. I know once the surgery happens this will not be so bad cause my belly will not be hungry. But for today i am hungry and will remain that way because i know in the long run this is what i need to do it does however make for a long long week.

Thats about all my friends as always feel free to share, comment, or ask questions

Happy live changing everyone

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Ok in the interest of being completely forth coming and sharing my experience so others can get a feeling for what to expect i need to be honest. So in the beginning of this liquid diet thing i was having a really hard time and the hunger was so bad i was in physical pain. So i ate and I shouldn't have given in but i did. I was gonna just not talk about it and act like everything was all rainbows and sunshine but what good would that do you all if i just kept it to myself or myself really. So today is day three of full no eating and just the liquid diet and im doing ok now. I have some suggestions if you have to do this before your surgery. One if you have a mandated special shake to drink like i do don't have it the first shake of the day. At least for me its to vitaminy and it messing with my stomach so i have a regular shake for breakfast and that seems to have helped. Two I have one greek yogurt a day with a very low calorie shake. I found shakes at walmart that are only 100 calories. So with this shake and a yogurt i am still in the guide lines for one shake and it is helping alot. Lastly i have a optifast soup as my last meal. It is warm and seems to help the hunger threw the night. For those who don't know i work night shift which is munchy time so the soup seems to help me with that. Also a shit ton of water this does two things it keeps you hydrated and it gets you peeing all the bad stuff out of your body and sugar free gum it does help alot. Its harder for me cause i have tmj so the gum hurts my jaw but it is def helpful. So i just wanted you all to know where i was mentally with this whole thing. I just want to say if you have a moment like i did hiding it isn't the answer you are then just fat shaming yourself, not holding yourself accountable, and not dealing with the issues. All of which you have to do to be successful in your weight loss journey no matter which route you are taking to get there.

Ok well that is all for now and i hope you all feel free to comment ask questions or share my blog. Todays blog was really hard for me to write and share i really want to be the strong person all the time and be the example well the truth is no one is perfect and we all need help sometimes dont be afraid to ask or share with a close friend that can help you through your moments if you have them.

Happy life changing everyone.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

liquid diet

So i am on day two of the mandated liquid diet. So far so good, if you have to do one of these sugar free gum is your friend and lots of water. Today was also day one of a certain shake i have to drink once a day and the start of my vitamins which includes a chewable which i am not liking but you gotta do what you gotta do. I think its easier when your prepared to do this and know its only temporary.  You also need to find stuff to keep you busy and distracted, I am so excited to see what the future holds i go tomorrow for the pre-op class and the pre admission testing at the hospital all that will take all day. Then the following week i have another class thing and appointment with the doc then on the 27th the big day happens. I admitting feel like im running out of stuff to talk about but once the big day happens im sure that will pick up again.

Well happy life changing everyone.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

head games

Ok so i am writing this post to help you all and to be honest with everyone about how it feels to go threw the process. So i have had a very difficult time getting back on plan cause my head and body are playing tricks on me. I know i should be on plan but for some reason i keep telling myself well come saturday you have no choice. You are gonna have surgery then you really will not have a choice then. I know logically the foods im craving i will be able to taste again some day for the most part in moderation except my sushi i don't know that i will ever be able to eat that again but i am getting off track. I just want you all to know that i think what i am going threw is totally normal and a fight you have to fight with yourself. I have been trying to keep the off my 800 calorie plan at least in check. I refuse to have liquid calories unless its replacing a meal. i have tried to keep the craving to a one bad thing a day. and not to gorge myself on the said thing. I want to taste it but it doesn't mean i have to over taste it. Any weight loss journey is a fight with yourself i think time lines makes that worse. So i suggest if your just on a weight loss journey and its not surgery don't give yourself time lines. Do what you need to do to get to healthy but don't give yourself a time table to meet that cause if you don't meet it then you have the disappointment and you fight with yourself about that and a possible end your journey talk with yourself so don't do that. Remember it doesn't matter who cares about your weight loss it only matters that you care and go from there. I am getting myself back on track and by saturday will be on my full liquid diet for my surgery. I have a class on monday and pre admit testing at the hospital thats gonna take most of my day but im totally excited and its one step closer to the big day.

Well as always feel free to share my blog, comment or ask questions i want to hear from you guys.

Happy life changing everyone.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


So as it is the beginning of the year and im about to do a major life change i have been reflecting on my life over the last year and the couple more before that, when i realized that i am having my surgery the same week that two years ago my husband left me. So in reflecting on that, two years ago i thought my life was over and couldn't see how it could be better. and here i am two years later with much more personal growth then i probably had during the last five years of that marriage. During marriage especially in the beginning you grow alot your learning about another person and how to handle yourself as a pair not just one single person. You have children and that changes that relationship so in the beginning there is lots of personal growth but toward the end we both stopped grow together and grew apart. After my marriage ended at first i couldn't see anything but what had happened. Now two years out i have grown so much. I am emotionally independent again, love where my life is headed and where it sits right now. Excited at what the future holds which two years that just terrified me. I know now what i want in a relationship and what i deserve. Back then i don't really think i knew that i just knew i meant my vows and didn't want my marriage to end. So where i never wanted this to happen i do think i am better for it. I know i wouldn't be where i am right now if it hadnt happened. I wouldn't know that i deserve to get what i give relationship wise. I wouldn't have begun this weight loss journey or at least not in this way which would have changed the personal reflection on it and i might not have taken the journey so much to heart and it would have been a should do cause its what everyone else wanted kind of thing.  how ironic is it that two years ago my life would change forever and here i am again changing it forever but in a totally different way. That a surgery i tried desperately hard to have by the end of october isn't happening now till the two year anniversery of the death of my marriage. Maybe its a sign that i am doing what i should be and that i tried my best to hold that marriage together and i couldn't and maybe i couldn't for a reason when two people stop growing together and stop working together things have to change one way or another. I didn't walk away from that marriage but i know in my heart of hearts i did everything i could to keep it together. and maybe now its just a sign from God that its ok to move on, not to feel guilty for it ending and to rejoice in the growth process.  I am so excited for the next stage in my life even tho right now im having a hard time wrapping my head around it but i know that will happen soon. Everyone else seems excited for me also so im hoping that support keeps coming. I do really have a great  family and a great core group of friends.

I guess thats about it for now. hope you all are having a great beginning of the year
as always feel free to comment, ask questions, and share my blog

Happy life changing everyone

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I am so excited i got a call on tuesday that the insurance company approved my surgery which was totally awesome. And today i set my dates. My surgery will be jan the 27th i could have had it on the 13th but with family issues it has to wait a little bit. I can't wait to get this done and behind me. The pain is gonna suck but it will be so worth it. I can't wait to share all the progress with all of you and let everyone know how it feels step by step so if any of my readers are thinking about taking this path they know what they are getting into. Well thats about all for now i just had to share with you all.

Happy life changing everyone