Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
So a couple things. For anyone fighting the same battles as me I want to tell you the kind of things I tell myself and why for thirty years I was wrong. So how many of you when trying to break a bad habit look for any excuse to give in and stop fighting? Me me. In the past this has always been me. O your gonna yell at me I'll show you then go light up right. Or he doesn't care anyway let me eat my feelings away with this tub of ice cream. Am I getting close. Well for me it was always rebellion but who am I rebelling against myself? I would tell myself stuff like no one cares anyway, if he doesn't care why do I? Well I'm here to tell you the only person in all this that matters is that YOU care. If YOU didn't care you wouldn't be starting the process to begin with right. So here's my point all the reasons we let our addictions take over is a load of bullshit. Don't listen and listen to the you that started on that path to begin with.
I'll be posting about some food stuff tomorrow until then happy life changing everyone .
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013

Now these gems I also got at sharp shopper 2 for a buck you can't get meat cheaper then that and its real meat. there is 230 calories and 15g of protein in here per serving.
and then these gems also from sharper shopper it was 3.99 for the box. thats like 30 cents a fruit cup. If you like me and cant afford to buy fresh often make sure your fruit is packed in its own juices and they don't add sugar, then your pretty good to go.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
heres a good website for ideas how to get fit for free
This is what i had yesterday for breakfast, i got it from sharp shopper for 1.99, its 180 calories for 1/2 a cup. if your anything like me your probably thinking who only eats 1/2 cup of cereal well this one 1/2 cup is plenty. it also has 4 grams of protein which isn't a whole lot but once you add milk its sufficient.
Lunch i didn't photo it was just tuna fish nothing special a whole can 100 calories and a ton of protein a win win for me.
This is what i put my stir fry on. now this wasn't cheap like the rest i think i paid 2.99 at walmart but totally worth it. i love couscous and its extremely filling and lots more protein then your typical rice. this made has 220 calories but i only put about a quarter of the amount of oil the package calls for so its not quite that much. and 8g of protein how awesome is that for a grain.
This was the final product and yes it looks like a hot mess but it was packed full of flavor and very filling.
So what i did was get my pan hot so i didn't need any oil i put my frozen veggies in and let them get unfrozen then i added the steak and the cooking sauce. then i made the couscous in a separate pan and once they were all done mixed them together.
If your using myfitnesspal there is a recipe builder so i put all the ingredients the amount of servings in each ingredient and how many people are eating that night and it tells me how many calories are in my meal how awesome is that.
O by the way this dinner might have taken 10 minutes to make start to finish
Saturday, September 21, 2013
these cost a buck at sharp shopper, 140 calories and
2g of protein.
Yet again a buck from sharp shopper, these are
210 calories and 16g of protein.
The most effort i put into this dish was slicing the tomatoes. As you can i opted for 2 sausages instead of a bun however I actually only ate one cause i was full. So i walked away which i don't know how many people realize how hard that is for someone with these decease is hard. We are thought when we are children to make a happy plate an incredibly hard habit to break.
Suggestion for today move a little more. I am not saying go do major exercise, but anyone of size finds it difficult sometimes to just bend over. So today make your own trips to the fridge to get your water, to find the remote, get your fork or whatever the case maybe.
Friday, September 20, 2013
The top picture is what i have been eating on a regular basis for breakfast. The shakes i found at sharp shopper for 2.99 for a pack of six so that's like 50 cents a can. they are 190 calories and 10g of protein, the doc says the more protein you get in the better that it helps to curb hunger. the yogurt was a dollar from walmart sometimes you can find them for 89 cents but i wasn't that lucky. now don't buy just plain yogurt cause that does nothing for you. this is greek yogurt which once you realize it doesn't taste like the "normal" yogurt you buy its good. it has 2x the protein, so that little yogurt is 100 calories and they range from 10g of protein to 14g depending on the flavor. Now the veggie burger heres a couple things i have learned on this journey so far first off you have to be willing to try things you might not normally try, those little veggie burgers are 170 calories a piece and 16g of protein. i think i paid a dollar for that pack at sharp shopper and there's 4 in there you can't beat a quarter a burger. now with that said don't get this and expect to get the same satisfaction as you would out of eating a "normal" burger cause you aren't gonna. however they aren't bad in flavor. i had one today with a individual veggie side that you put in the microwave. if i had kept that package i would have taken a picture for you too but i didn't oops. I intend to do a whole list and prices next time i go to sharp shopper. But for any of you that know what its like on a budget you have to work with what you got. I can't afford fresh for most meals so i try to count the calories in what i can afford and try to buy as healthy as i can, but anyone that's been to sharp shopper knows it changes what they have often so you never know what your gonna find. I did find some great deals when i was there last but the blog idea came up after that's why i don't already have a list made up. Tonight for dinner we are having hot dogs i know not that good but i will count the calories and be fine, potato wedges that i got i think for 1.50 for the bag and maybe some fresh tomato slices that i got from a local farmers market and boy are those tomatoes sweet.